what do past volunteers have to say?
“Want to get out of the ugly, negative, quagmire that is so prevalent in our society and have your image of mankind restored? Want to witness unconditional love, gratefulness, and happiness in everyday life? Want to do life for a while with like minded people where you don't feel like you are the only one on the planet who feels the like you do, or would you like your world view of life possibly forever changed? I know, pretty deep, brash, and bold claims.....all substantiated on a trip with Hands for Humanity! A mission trip to Ecuador will do just that and more!
The trip is cleverly disguised as a group of people going to help "less fortunate people" in Ecuador. It is true that there are 'teams' that do provide the much needed medical help, teaching, and material supplies, facility repair, etc. Many parts Ecuador is a poor county, and additionally devastated by a recent Earthquake. The people do not have many of the material niceties or even necessities. But; they are rich in unconditional love, and gratitude, and simplicity in which they live. There is an instant attraction to the people. They are real and authentic - usually quite a contrast to our normal experience. Imagine a paramedic who upon recognizing your shirt, runs over to you with a big hug, with tears in his eyes, thanking you for being there and giving him the tools and training he needs to do his job to save people. Or, going to a home for people with Hanson's for the "purpose" of building above ground garden planters so they can have fresh vegetables and instead, listening to the residents while holding digit-less hands (the are very warm loving people) tell there story of appreciation for you love and caring to visit. Even though you don't mentally understand the language - it's a heart to heart talk will bring tears to your eyes for years afterwards. Just encase you could forget them - you can always look at the keep sake gifts that they shower you with. If that isn't enough, wait until you visit Hogar de Belen, the orphanage in Portoviejo, again with a "mission" of cleaning, repairing, making planters. What you find is a group - now a very loving family of children through young adults. Once again, though the area is very poor by material standards - they are very rich in love. Children are always children no matter the economic or nationality - the smilies and love are overwhelming as the children naturally want to be with you. Again a place to leave your heart. Just in case that is not enough, there a several "side trips" along the way. While cleverly once again disguised as 'fun' they are another excuse to witness unheard of depths of gratitude and yes - leave your heart.”
Larry, Volunteer
Though I have always had a heart of the people that are less fortunate than I, and have been no stranger to foreign countries and service trips, I stand by my original challenge! Hand for Humanity has done wonders not only for the people they serve in Ecuador, but also for those who volunteer. There is a bond between volunteers that can be stronger than family. I can't wait until I can go back! Thank you Kate and the "Hands" family!
“Ecuador opened my eyes to so many things I would have never thought of doing. I got to see how surgeries go and how much time they put into everything. I was able to see firsthand how much poverty there is in the world by going on house visits checking on patients from past years. They barely even had a house but as soon as we walked in we welcomed with huge smiles and hugs, and it seemed like they were very happy with their lives. I want to go back to Ecuador again as soon as possible, help as much as I can, and be a part of changing people’s lives.”
Sam, High School Student
“The trip to Ecuador was something I’ll want and need to do every year I can. Even though we spoke a different language from those we were caring for, there wasn’t a huge language barrier. They knew we cared, and we knew they were happy to be given the opportunity to have their loved ones cared for. That’s what impacted me the most. The fact that we were so welcomed, appreciated, and that everyone around us was so willing to help each other all for the greater good of the patient. It was also a great immersion into another culture, especially the food!”
Whitney, RN
“I first met Kate in October of 2007 during a volunteer trip to an orphanage in Ecuador with Hands for Humanity. The relationships I made with Kate and the rest of the volunteer team continue to remain strong to this day. Being able to witness first-hand what a difference a group like Hands for Humanity could make in the lives of so many people truly touched my heart. The physical work that our team of volunteers accomplished during our stay in Ecuador was remarkable, but what amazed me the most is how emotionally rewarding that experience was. I knew that in the short amount of time I spent at the orphanage, I made an impact on many kids’ lives and that in itself made the trip worthwhile. Having just recently started my sophomore year at the University of Cincinnati, I continue to live my life according to the lessons I learned back in 2007. I would highly recommend this organization to anyone interested in volunteer opportunities such as these. I was accepted into Hands for Humanity with arms wide open and for that, I am very thankful.”
Caylor Escalante, Volunteer